Tuesday 2 March 2010

demerit goods alcohol

1) ban prohibition

2)licensing laws + changing attitudes

24 hour drinking one year on (bbc 11/06)

impact of changes (bbc 11/06)

law change not changing habits (bbc 11/06)

alcohol attitudes in europe (bbc 11/07)

3) marketing and advertising

booze marketing ban (bbc 09/09)

the power of marketing (bbc 09/09)

4) minimum prices

alcohol minimum price (bbc 03/09) at a glance

eu ruling on minimum prices (smoking) ft 05/03/10

5) taxes

finlands u turn on alcohol tax (bbc 02/09)

alcohol tax rise (bbc 10/07)

impact of tax rises (guardian 03/08)

prices do not cut drinking (bbc jan 06)

6) legisaltion on age

call to raise drinking age to 21 (bbc 03/07)

7) state run monopoly

3 countries compared (bbc 11/05)

8) education and information

is state advertising effective (c4 june 2010)

Alcohol Know Your Limits Advert. - Click here for another funny movie.

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